I make work suck less, by doing messy human stuff better.
People spend 50% of their waking hours at work - and that doesn't even count the laundry, chores, and hauling kids around that takes up a lot of life! If we are to live good lives, we must make good work a part of it!
My work centers on helping you and those around you work better together. Whether that's by designing better experiences, ensuring that our systems are efficient and intuitive, or helping to build stronger communities of practice. You can hire me as a coach, a guide, or a facilitator.
This website serves as an online portfolio, featuring my work and projects, and sharing my learnings about making a world that's better for all. It’s constantly evolving and frequently out of date, since I would rather be out doing work than writing about the work that I do!
Feel free to wander. I'd love to know - how can I partner with you?